September 2024 Soap of The Month

September 2024 Soap of The Month


Pine tree resin has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which helps minor skin damage and is the ingredient in September's soap of the month. Watch the unveiling video below to see the reveal.



Not a member? Click here to join! Not ready to join but you want to try it out? You can get one of my past boxes here. Quantities are limited.


Why join the club? 

  • Exclusivity. One-of-a-kind soap bars created just for the membership
  • Variety. Each month will have a theme. Scents will change with the seasons
  • Never run out. No more panic moments in the shower wondering if you have another bar of soap
  • Convenient, automatic delivery. You can stop anytime and even skip a month.

How it works:

  • Subscription is month-to-month.
  • First billing is the day you subscribe, subsequent months are charged on the first of every month
  • Shipments are delivered by mid-month

Shipment includes:

  • One bar of soap. Most of the bars will be ones created exclusively for the membership and a few will be bars from my online shop
  • An extra item such as a sample size product or other mindfully selected item related to that month's theme


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