Celebrate California Native Plant Week

Celebrate California Native Plant Week

California’s natural flora overflows in a richness that matches the diversity of the land itself!

Within the State, one encounters practically every environment one can conceive: coastal forests; alpine meadows, barren deserts, oak woodlands, chaparral, grasslands and riparian. We have plants that are drought and cold tolerant, plants that live on cold, dry mountaintops, in wetlands and in deserts and along our coastline. Our native plants are perfectly suited to the local climate and soil, require fewer fertilizers, soil amendments, or pesticides, and use less water than conventional landscapes.

 It’s no surprise that these extraordinary plants deserve a celebration all their own. The third week of April each year is proclaimed California's official statewide celebration of native plants and this year 2017 will be the 7th annual event. Citizens are encouraged to participate in activities to promote the conservation, restoration, and appreciation of California's native plants.

When you consider the beauty of magnificent coastal redwoods, blooming cactus in the deserts, fields of California poppies, giant sequoias, and vibrant fields of wildflowers it’s apparent that there is no better way to celebrate native plants than to go outside and enjoy them.

“The celebration recognizes the historical, artistic, and economic contributions California’s native plants have made to our State and shows that California native plant gardening and landscaping have tremendous positive impacts to our watersheds, to habitat recovery, and to curbing wildfires. In particular, home landscaping and gardening with native plants can cut residential water use from 60 to 90% over conventional gardening.” (Reprinted from www.cnps.org)

How will you celebrate California Native Plant Week? If you don’t live in California check your local native plant society for events in your area.


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