Favorite Backpack Snack

Favorite Backpack Snack

Trail mix is the classic hiking food. It’s perfectly packable and nutrient dense. And it offers an ideal balanced energy source for hikers who want to replenish resources. Here’s my favorite combination:

Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
Gogi Berries, Blueberries, Cranberries or Golden berries

I recommend a 50/50 mixture of nuts to fruits and for best results use organic, raw, and unsalted varieties where available. The combination of nuts and fruit provide protein, fat and carbohydrates for balanced nutrition. In addition, the pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc, the gogi berries provide fiber, and the blueberries are nutrition powerhouses high in antioxidants. It's much better than the salty and sugary variety of trail mixes you find prepackaged in the stores.

You can store your trail mix in a glass quart jar to keep it fresh. To pack your trail mix to take on a hike simply package some up into a handkerchief! No waste and no plastic.


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